Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 3, 2009

Hannah is still coughing a little from the pneumonia that started in December. I hate the sound of that cough. When she's coughing, it is a constant reminder of this horrible disease and what it does to my little girl. Hannah had a bunch of homework she needed to do last night. Tom and I had weight watchers last night and didn't get home until almost 7pm. It gets overwhelming sometimes to try to fit everything in. I feel like I never stop.

1 comment:

  1. Rene, I truly don't know how you all have done it and are still sane.
    Hannah looks so big now - and her grin makes me smile. I'll keep her in my prayers and I am forwarding this information on to email list of friends. I'm right up the street anytime you want to meet for lunch or after work drinkS!
